Thank you very much for the absolutely amazing and wonderful experience!

Dear Dorji,

Thank you very much for the absolutely amazing and wonderful experience of exploring Bhutan from west to east and back again. With the passage of time almost all hours on the road are forgotten and the unforgettable memories rise like cream. You provided us (eight women aged 26 to 71) with educational, cultural, spiritual and physical experiences. Your planning certainly included a variety of adventures ranging from: trekking to Taktsang within 24 hours of being in the country and encouraging us almost every step of the way with patience, humour and a beautiful smile on your face; introducing us to Bhutanese architecture such as Dzongs, Lhakhangs and Palaces with knowledge of history and traditions; providing us with rich experiences that deepened our understanding of Bhutanese culture and traditions – blessings and tea at Taktsang, making cookies at Ogyen Chholing for Losar, Losar blessings at Tara Lakhang, trekking beyond the road head into an area that will be forever changed in a short period of time, being greeted, having tea and ara with the headman of Saktang, having salt yak butter tea with a local in Borangmang, hanging prayer flags at Borangtse, hosting Sakteng villagers for dinner, tea, ara, song and dance, reserving us seats at the Punakha Tsechu, blessings at Chimi Lahkhang, and welcoming us into your beautiful home, hosting meals and letting us spend time with your family. You certainly treated us like real princesses long after having firstly chosen Driver Dorji to escort us through the countryside.

SAM_3704You have left a lasting impression upon my heart and spirit. It was a joy to bear witness to the obvious pleasure you took in returning to the eastern part of the country and your obvious pride in your home land. You are a kind, caring and considerate person who will be fondly remembered.

Good luck with your future endeavours as you are a very ambitious young man.

Blessings upon you and your family.

Jan Snell, Canada.

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