Drukyul Holidays

Drukyul, the Land of the Thunder Dragon can be described as the last Shangri-La. Happiness is embedded in the hearts of every Bhutanese. You can see through the faces of every Bhutanese you meet in Bhutan. The country aims to achieve the philosophy of Gross National Happiness, propounded by His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo, Jigme Singye Wangchuck in 1970s. Its pristine natural environment is well-preserved; its magnificent snow-capped mountains, colourful fluttering prayer flags, ancient Dzongs (fortresses) and monasteries are inspiring sights where ever you go.

Explore Bhutan, the Land of Happiness, with Drukyul Holidays! You will never regret in choosing Drukyul Holidays for your trip to Bhutan.

Cultural Tours
Bhutan's culture is strongly based on its Tibetan form of Mahayana...
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Pilgrimage Tours
Bhutan is considered as the most sacred pilgrimage sites for all Buddhist around...
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When it comes to trekking, Bhutan offers both beauty and variety. The kingdom is home...
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Trip Advisor Reviews

Werner H.
Werner H.
Bhutan als Reiseziel ist an sich schon ein Glücksgriff. Wer dann noch Drukyul Holidays mit Chef Dorji als Partneragentur gewählt hat, kann es kaum besser treffen. Fachliche Kompetenz, Organisation und Hilfsbereitschaft sind vorbildlich. Es war ein eimaliges Erlebnis, im Februar 2020 mit Dorji und unserem deutsch sprechenden Reiseleiter Ngwang dieses faszinieirende Land mit seinen überaus freundlichen Menschen zu erleben. Sie sind hervorragende Botschafter ihres Landes.
Als das Flugzeug im Paro Tal zur Landung ansetzte, fühlte ich mich als würden alle meine Sorgen hinter der Grenze bleiben. Am kleinen, aber feinen, Flughafen in Paro wurden wir von unseren Reiseleitern Dorji und Harka herzlich empfangen - und diese Freundlichkeit und Fürsorglichkeit setzte sich über die ganze Reise fort. Jeden Tag erwarteten uns neue schöne Ziele. Die Sehenswürdigkeiten wurden ausführlich erklärt und Fragen gerne beantwortet. Harka's Deutsch ist sehr gut, und mit Dorji konnte man sich bestens auf Englisch verständigen. Ich merkte beiden an wie sehr sie ihr Land schätzen und lieben und authentisch sind. Hotels und Restaurants waren gut ausgewählt, sauber und komfortabel. Hunger war kein Thema; es gab immer reichlich, alles war frisch und schmackhaft. Auch unser Fahrer, Herr Tshewang, verdient viel Lob. Er fuhr uns sicher und professionell durch Täler und über Pässe. Selbst die nicht mehr so rüstigen oder etwas angeschlagenen Reisenden unter uns wurden mit Emphatie durch Erfüllen individueller Wünsche aufgepäppelt. Ich hatte das Gefühl, in einer Familie angekommen zu sein. Ich möchte diese Reise nochmal machen und kann Drukyul Holidays sehr empfehlen.
Eric L
Eric L
I had the pleasure of visiting Bhutan with Drukyul Holidays. The country, culture and customs were amazing. Bhutan is quite unique, having most of the country registered as National Parks, 100% organic agriculture, Buddhist religion and geographically remote. With restricted tourist numbers per annum, it means that you can experience and learn many things from your visit. My guide was Dorji who founded Drukyul Holidays. He is passionate about his country and well connected with people across the country. This meant that I was introduced to many people from every province and experienced homestays and local festivals and foods. It was wonderful and I highly recommend them, but pick your seasons because Spring and Autumn are the times of festivals and easiest travel.
Großartige Tour; Dorji als Inhaber der Reiseagentur hat uns persönlich begleitet und sich unvergesslich herzlich um unsere Gruppe gekümmert. Alle Fragen wurden beantwortet und wir haben ganz oft sehr persönliche Einblicke in das Leben der Bhutanesen bekommen. Ein Beispiel: Bei unserem Abflug müssten wir am Flughafen Paro 10 Stunden warten, weil es nachts geschneit hatte. Dorji war schon wieder zu Hause, hat das erfahren, ist zurück gekommen, hat für unsere Gruppe einen warmen Raum besorgt (Es war sehr kalt am Flughafen) und uns persönlich verabschiedet, als wir kurz vor Sonnenuntergang tatsächlich noch nach Kathmandu fliegen konnten.
This tour company is absolutely fantastic! Dorji and Harka are definitely the best tour guides you could ask for! And so is their driver – never once did we feel anything but safe and comfortable. We visited Bhutan for a week in February 2020 and, wow, what an amazing experience did we have! Everything was great and so well executed: planning was easy, personalizing the itinerary smooth, and the week itself was the best experience we ever had, despite having travelled more than 50 countries. We actually did a tour in German that focused on Bhutan’s culture. But we also did some hiking that took us to vistas so beautiful that no descriptive words could possibly do them justice. Harka speaks excellent German and patiently explained us so much about the history, cultures, religion, and life in Bhutan. We learned so much from him about his country – and that is because he has that wonderful way of talking that keeps the listeners engaged. We never grew bored or tuned out for a single minute! They will bring you all over Bhutan, but instead of making it drag on, the tour just builds and builds in the best way! Every stop is great in its own way, we never had a single complaint. Throughout the days, they also offer endless complimentary water, as well as meals to keep you going! Both Dorji and Harka went out of their way to make us comfortable from the moment they picked us up “as friends” from Paro airport to when they dropped us off a week later as “family”. They were incredibly attentive and their grace, kindness and friendliness reflected the wonderful people of Bhutan so perfectly. They made sure we had three amazing meals every day and joined us for most of these. The places they took us to eat were all absolutely amazing and the Bhutanese cuisine never disappointed a single time. They even invited us to their own home for lunch in the garden – I cannot say that I ever experienced hospitality like theirs. But they also picked wonderful hotels for us. Every hotel we stayed at was clean, cozy, luxurious and comfortable. What a treat!! Bhutan is a magical place. It is pristine, calm and breathtakingly beautiful. We miss it already and we are already plotting our return – with Dorji and his fantastic team. Bhutan is definitely worth visiting, and I absolutely recommend you do it with Drukyul Holidays!

Other Reviews

Thank you very much for the absolutely amazing and wonderful experience!
Jan Snell
Thank you very much for the absolutely amazing and wonderful experience!
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Thank you Drukyul Holidays for sharing their beautiful country and people with us.
Thank you Drukyul Holidays for sharing their beautiful country and people with us.
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All my Expectations Exceeded!
Eric Leape
All my Expectations Exceeded!
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reasons to choose us

Excellent Execution

Our know-how and infrastructure, together with a network of long-standing relationships within the industry, help us ensure that each trip is implemented to the best achievable standards. From the time of your departure to your return, our management will be there as backup, to follow up any queries and offer any necessary assistance and make sure all is well.

Continuous Listening and learning

The satisfaction of our clients is the key and we make sure our management meets with each guest, to resolve any concerns and gain valuable feedback.  Thus, our new ways of doing business help us to continually improve our service, as new lessons are learned and implemented.

Incredible Staff Quality

Our staff are some of the most highly qualified and experienced in the industry. We reward better than our competitors. Each member has had a broad-based training, which allows the performance of multiple roles and has improved all round understanding. A depth of experience is especially important in developing an open-minded attitude towards many different nationalities and when handling difficult situations and emergencies.

Safety and reliability first

All our vehicles are under ten years old and they are given a general mechanical checkup between each tour, conform to emission standards and are put through a thorough annual fitness test to qualify for comprehensive insurance. Our guides and drivers are experienced and are personally responsible for the cleanliness and maintenance of their vehicles. In the extremely rare event of a breakdown, there is always a backup plan in place.


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