Bhutan Mystical Traveller

Destination: Bumthang, Paro, Punakha, Thimphu, Trongsa, Wangdue Phodrang

Duration: 11 days

Your introduction to our enchanting kingdom begins on a flight over the Himalayas into the lush green valley of Paro. You will view the world’s highest, most majestic peaks and enjoy the view of the approaching valley with its alpine forest, monasteries, temples and farmhouse nestled in splendid valleys.

You will be welcomed and greeted in a Bhutanese style with Tashi Khada (white scarf) by our representative & your guide at the airport.

We will set on a journey to explore cultural heritage sites as far as Bumthang and Trongsa in this tour. We are sure you will enjoy crossing some high passes and getting into deep valleys with villages and farmlands. You will be accompanied by qualified, experienced and certified guide throughout our journey.

You will be received by our representative & your guide and driven to hotel for refreshment and a brief discussion about your tour program. Sightseeing includes, The National Museum ( Ta-Dzong). Once the watch tower for the Rinpung Dzong ( Fortress), it was converted into the national Museum in 1968 (one of the best museums of Asia). The museum stands on a promontory overlooking the Paro valley in all its glory. Visit the Rinpung Dzong.

A flagstone path rises gradually from a beautiful wooden bridge with shingle roofing and abutted by two guard houses to the Dzong. Today, this massive fortress built in 1645 AD is the seat of the district administration as well as the home for the monastic school. The central tower( Utse) of the Dzong, with its superb woodwork, is one of the most beautiful in the nation.

Take a leisurely drive to the ruins of Drukgyel Dzong. This point offers bird eye view of the Mt. Chomolhari (7329m). On the way back visit the oldest temple of the kingdom, Kichu Lhakhangt. This temple was built in 6th century by a Tibetan King to pin down a giant demon. In the evening walk around Paro town. Overnight Paro. (Alt; 2280m)

Day 2- Exploring Punakha & Wangdue Valley

After an early breakfast, drive to Punakha via the winding river of Paro Chu & Wangchu from Paro (128km/ 4hr). Stop for a hot cup of coffee at Dochu La pass ( 3150m) where you can enjoy spectacular views of the Eastern Himalayan Mountain ranges. Walk around the 108 stupas which decorates the pass and enter Druk Wangyel temple built as a tribute to the beloved fourth King of Bhutan.

After lunch, visit the Punakha Dzong, “Palace of Great Happiness”. Punakha Dzong is the former winter Capital and at present day hosts the administrative seat of the district. Also the winter residence of the central monastic body and its Chief Abbot. The Dzong lies between two rivers, the Pochu and Mochu, male and female river.

Evening, hike to Chimi Lhakhang to visit the temple of the Bhutan’s foremost saint, Lama Drukpa Kunley, also known as the “Divine Madman”. This temple is called the Temple of Fertility as it is believed that childless couples who come here to pray for a child is usually blessed with a child. Overnight Punakha/ Wangdue. (Alt; 1240m)

After dinner, you can take a leisurely walk around Punakha town. Overnight Punakha/ Wangdue. (Alt; 1240m)

Day 3- Wangdue Phodrang – Trongsa (129km/ 5.5hr)

On rise visit Wangdue’s typical town situated on the hilltop. Do some shopping at the farmer’s weekend market and walk to the the Dzong (fortress). This classic fortress has many sacred temples hidden in it. Your guide will take you for blessing to some of the main shrine rooms.

Day 4- Bumthang Landscape Tour

After breakfast visit the ancient Watch Tower which has been now turned into a historical museum. The top part of the tower provides great view of the fortress and its surrounding villages. Drive to Bumthang from Trongsa (68km/ 3hr), the spiritual heartland of Bhutan.

This journey will take you over one of the most scenically beautiful routes in Bhutan via the Yotong La pass (3425m), which is also the habitat for the Satyr peasant. Good for photography.

As you enter the Chhume Valley (the first of the four valleys that comprise the Bumthang Valley) you can visit a center of Yathra weaving. Yathra is the name for the locally produced hand-woven woolen cloth. Distinctive patterns and bright, earthy colors enliven the fabric, which is used for a wide variety of purposes and sought after throughout the country.

After check-in resort and some rest; visit the Kharchu Draktsang, a monastery on the northern slope of Bumthang valley. This monastery is one of the biggest Buddhist college of the kingdom and a home to the reincarnation himself (Namkhaningpo Rimpoche). This point offers beautiful view of the Bumthang valley and its silent town. (Bumthang have been referred as “the little Switzerland of Asia” by many travelers. Wait here to catch the golden hour while the sun sets gently.

Evening, stroll down from the monastery to the river bank and walk around Bumthang’s local town and experience their peaceful lifestyle. Overnight Bumthang. (Alt; 2580m)

Day 5- Explore Spiritual Sites in Bumthang

On rise, visit the historical Jakar Dzong (Fortress of the White Bird) situated on the hilltop overlooking Bumthang valley & river. It is probably one of the biggest Dzongs in Bhutan with the surrounding walls about 1 km in circumference. Here on, take a leisurely hike through several ancient and important monasteries such as, Jambay lhakhang, Kurjey Lhakhang, Kencho Sum Lhakhang, Tamshing & Pema Samba Lhakhangs.

These temple have many mythical stories linked to its origin and some of them dates back as early as 7th century. Your guide will unfold its mystery as you visit these holy sites.

In evening, drive to Menbar Tsho (the burning lake). This holy lake is located about 20km from the town. When the locals visit this lake they tie a coin inside a white scarf, make a wish and offer it to the lake. It is believed someday your wish will be fulfilled. Overnight Bumthang. (Alt; 2580m)

Day 6- Phobjikha Rural Expedition

After an early breakfast drive to Phobjikha through different vegetation of alpine, subtropical and glacial from Bumthang (148km/ 5.5hr). Phobjikha is a glacial valley on the periphery of the north western tip of the Black Mountain National Park. The valley is a conservatoin area and lies on the northern boundary of the Jowo Durshing range.

People sometimes refer to the entire region as Gangtey after the name of the Gangtey Goenpa that is situated on a ridge overlooking the Phobjikha valley. According to legend that the Gangtey Goenpa was founded by the grandson ( the mind incarnation) of Pema Lingpa in 1613. The Phobjikha valley is also one of the roosting grounds of the Black-necked cranes that migrate each year in winter from its nothern habitats in Tibet and Siberia to these grounds.

Visit Information Centre for the cranes. Evening, take a hike through the Blue Pine forest to the village farmhouse. Try traditional Bhutanese snacks made from corn and rice with a homemade wine. Overnight Phobjikha. (Alt;2900m)

Day 7- Phobjikha – Thimphu City Sightseeing

Get up early and take a walk out into the valley to enjoy the sunrise. As you ascend to the hilltop visit Gangtey Goenpa while the monks will be sitting for their morning prayers. This is biggest Nyingma temple of the kingdom. Drive to Thimphu taking a stop at Dochula resort for mountain view and refreshment.

Thimphu is a small, charming capital city nestled in the heart of the Himalayas. It is nothing like what a capital city is imagined to be. Most of the houses and buildings are painted and constructed in traditional Bhutanese style.

En route visit Semtokha Dzong, one of the oldest fortress of Bhutan built in 1629 and it houses the largest monastic schools in the country.

Check in hotel for some rest and then take a drive to Buddha Gang to enjoy the sunset and the lovely view of Thimphu city. Astrologers & locals believe this spot is one of the main meeting point of the sacred energy vibe of the country hence the massive statue of Buddha facing the rising sun. On the way back circumambulate around Memorial Chorten. This huge stupa was built in memory of the late 3rd King and it’s the favourite place for the people of Thimphu to pray and show their devotion.

From here on embark on a walking tour that includes; Hongkong Market/ Main Traffic/ Norzin Lam/ Central Plaza/ Clock Tower, etc. Overnight Thimphu. (Alt; 2320m)

Day 8- Thimphu Cultural Sightseeing

In morning, drive to the animal sanctuary where the national animal of Bhutan, the Takin, is found in captivity. Walk around the BBS tower which is also known as the “romantic point” and lovers often come here to look at the panoramic view of the Thimphu valley. En route visit Nunnery temple. You can show your devotion here by praying with the Buddhist nuns.

Visit the National Library where ancient manuscripts are preserved. They also have on display the largest Picture Book on Bhutan in the world.

Visit the Traditional Medicine Centre which includes hospital and herbal medicine manufacturing unit based on the Tibetan system of medicine. The centre also trains indigenous medicine doctors known as “Dungtso”.

Visit the Zorig Chuksum “School for Thirteen Traditional Arts and Crafts” followed by s visit to Textile Museum, Handicraft Emporium and some local shops for antiques.

Visit the Bhutanese Paper Factory, This traditional handmade paper is still being widely used around the country.

Visit the Farmer’s Fresh Market which opens only on weekends and interact with the villagers from different villages.

Visit the Tashichhoe Dzong, the main secretariat building, the office of the King and Throne room and also the house of the State Monastic Body.

After evening tea, witness an archery match played by the locals with lots of hue & cry! Archery

is the national game of Bhutan and it is also one of the best ways of expanding your public relation. After archery, free to shop! Overnight Thimphu. (Alt; 2320m)

Day 9- Spiritual Hike and Retreat at Tango & Chari

Embark on a day’s excursion to Tango & Chari. Tango monastery is situated in solitary hill covered by forest and is one of the best places to study Buddhism. The monks take pride in being a part of this beautiful Draktsang and at present there are also seven reincarnation studying here.

The 12th century Chari goemba is one of the most popular meditational retreat center for the monks. The meditational sites are glued to the rocky cliff 300m above the river valley. Once the monks graduate from Tango Monastery most of them decides to sit for meditation around the holy temple of Chari from three years to nine years. Tango Chari is located 12km away from Thimphu city .

The hike to Tango monastery takes about 1.5hrs round trip and the Chari goemba takes about 2.5hrs round trip. Picnic lunch will be arranged amidst the nature trail. After visiting the holy shrines, you can spend some time meditating in the temple and the surrounding campus. It is believed, meditation happens own at this serene site.
Evening at your leisure. Overnight Thimphu.

Day 10- Excursion to Mystical Taktsang

After a healthy breakfast, drive to Paro. This is a scenic drive of 53km which takes about 1.5 hr. On arrival, spend the day hiking up the forested path to Taktsang Monastery, also known as Tiger’s Nest, Bhutan’s most famous and scenic icon. The climb is steep and takes about 4 hours round trip.

An important place of pilgrimage and refuge for more than 1200 years, Taktsang Monastery clings to sheer cliffs two-thousand feet above Paro Valley, and from your closest vantage point on a rocky ledge directly across from it, you will still need 200-300 mm lenses and a steady tripod to get right photographs.

This sacred place got its name when Guru Rinpoche rode there on the back of a flying tiger and meditated in a cave behind the present-day monastery. Sadly, in 1998, the central temple was destroyed by fire, leaving the country in mourning for their holiest of spiritual places. But religious leaders and the King quickly developed a plan to rebuild Taktsang and donations started pouring in from Buddhist centers all over the world, and today, the magnificently rebuilt exterior is complete. Tiger’s Nest is once again the subject of cloud-shrouded posters that say, “Bhutan, Land of the Thunder Dragon.” Picnic lunch on the hillside cafeteria.

Special permit will be arranged for you to enter the Tiger’s Nest monastery but you will not be allowed to take pictures of the inside shrines. The shrines carries the beautiful auras left by the great saints who meditated in the past hence it has been said one can easily get into a meditational state by just sitting silently.

Evening, visit a typical village home for a traditional Bhutanese style dinner accompanied by the local liquor called “Ara” (tastes somewhat like the Japanese Sake). Then luxuriate in the Bhutanese equivalent of a Jacuzzi called a “Chu Tsen.” River rocks are heated and dunked into a large wooden tub with herbs. This type of bath is considered to have medicinal properties of healing. Overnight Paro. (Alt; 2280m).

Day 11- Departure

Our representative will bid your farewell from the Paro International Airport. Tashi Delek!

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